Testimony time…

3 Min Read



Mama was given two minutes when she came out to give her testimony.

Praise da Lord! She shouted. Hallelujah, the whole church chorused.

She proceeded to order the congregation to stand up and shout seven powerful Hallelujahs to the Most High God in thanksgiving to back up her testimony. The whole church obeyed in anticipation of the testimony to follow.

Then Mama launched into a Thanksgiving song: “Baba nibo ni ki nti bere…?” Then Pastor, knowing Mama well moved in to save time, asked her, “Ki gan ni Olorun se fun yin? (Tell us exactly what God did for you). This forced Mama to cut short her song and announced to the whole church: “A bimo ni o. Kii de se okan, kii se meji, Omo merin lanti lanti” (We gave birth. It’s not one, neither is it two, we gave birth to four big healthy babies).

By this time, the excitement in the church was uncontrollable. Shouts of ‘Praise the Lord, Who did it…’ rent the air so much so that Mama found it difficult to continue until the pastor was able to calm the congregation down.

By this time Mama, who is a slow talker, had used 10 minutes.

The next thing the crowd expected to hear was when and where the naming would take place and how mother and the babies were doing. You see, Mama is a grandmother. All her children are married. The congregation awaited the address of which of them was the lucky parent of the four children.

Then Mama dropped the bombshell: “Ewure mi lo bimo o”. (It’s my goat that gave birth o).

It was a mixed feeling among the congregation. While most people laughed until they shed tears, some others were just disappointed at the testimony of safe delivery of a goat…

For someone reading this, the Almighty God will give you a earth-rending testimony this week in Jesus name.

Have a blessed week friends.

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