Shoes of the gospel

5 Min Read






And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;  Ephesians 6:15


READ: Isaiah 52:6-7

6 Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.

7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!



In continuation of my teaching on the full armor of God, I will be discussing the third piece of armor listed in Ephesians 6:10-17. This armor is actually called the ‘shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace. The first thing to note about this armor is that it implies moving around with the gospel. Your security is in your preaching of the gospel. The more unbelievers you are able to convert to Christianity, the lesser the devil’s attacks on you will be. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says that two are better than one, and a threefold cord is not easily broken. When you are the only Christian in your neighborhood or family, you are more open to attacks because everyone around you is in the opponent’s army. However, if you win all your family members and neighbors to Christ, you will be more secure. When the enemy tries to strike, you will have soldiers around you to come together to pray and send the devil packing. When you are feeling weak spiritually, you will have brethren to strengthen your weak hands and lift your feeble knees (Isaiah 35:3-4).

The peace element in these shoes will give you peace as you go around preaching the gospel. The devil will come at you with all kinds of things to scare you so that you will not preach the gospel, but when you have peace, his tricks will not work on you. He is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) that scares people but cannot bite. That peace is necessary as you go out to preach the gospel because you will face persecution. Also, as you preach the gospel, you are to bring peace to chaotic environments. This is why in Luke 10:5, when Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the gospel, He said that the first thing they were to say when they got to a new place is, “Peace be unto this house”. What you are spreading is peace, not chaos, and for anyone that receives the gospel, the first thing they will experience in their heart is peace.

Beloved, do you have your shoes of the gospel of peace? Do you win souls? Imagine how much peace will be in your country if one of the souls you have won becomes the president of your country tomorrow. When you preach the gospel, you are doing it for your own security.



Put on the shoes of the gospel of peace now; preach to at least one person daily.


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 34-37





1 Stand up, stand up for Jesus

ye soldiers of the cross;

lift high his royal banner,

it must not suffer loss.

From vict’ry unto vict’ry

his army he shall lead

till ev’ry foe is vanquished

and Christ is Lord indeed.


2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,

the trumpet call obey;

forth to the mighty conflict

in this his glorious day.

Ye that are men now serve him

against unnumbered foes;

let courage rise with danger

and strength to strength oppose.


3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,

stand in his strength alone;

the arm of flesh will fail you,

ye dare not trust your own.

Put on the gospel armor,

each piece put on with prayer;

where duty calls or danger,

be never wanting there.


4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus,

the strife will not be long;

this day the noise of battle,

the next, the victor’s song.

To him that overcometh

a crown of life shall be;

he with the King of glory

shall reign eternally.

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